
I'm thankful for Facebook

For the third year in a row, I'm participating in the Month of Thankfulness challenge on Facebook. For the month of November, you post a status every day on someone, something, some place for which you are thankful.

I absolutely love it.

First because it helps me be truly mindful of all the things in my life for which I am grateful. In my experience, it takes about a week to cover children, spouses, family members we already spend a lot of conscious time appreciating. Then, you have to move beyond the round of the obvious and start paying attention every day to the things that bring you joy.

Second, there are so few opportunities to tell the people in our lives how important they are to us, especially in a public way. It's a wonderful thing to proclaim how much you love your best friend or how our life is better because a certain person is in it.

I've enjoyed it so much this year it got me thinking how much I truly love the social media platform that made it all possible.

That's right I'm thankful for Facebook.