Six Word Memoirs

Six word memoirs are exactly what they sound like. Your memoir in six words. I've always loved the concept but was too intimidated to ever try and write one. 

Enter The Six-Word Festival on Twitter.

Suddenly, there were prompts! And a schedule! And a deadline!  And free stuff! 

If you know me at all, you know these are my trigers. So, when the festival kicked off on Tuesday, I decided to join in.

First up?  “I Will Never Do That Again” ... easy.


And because I know y'all are wondering how bad the hair actually was

Then, it was “Thou Shalt Tweet a New Commandment” (in #sixwords) and my first entry got favorited by one of the judges! You know the truth of this commandment if you're a parent.

Then, some of y'all got in on the fun at my Facebook page.

The next prompt was probably my favorite. “The Secret Ingredients to Happiness Are…” 

Again, y'all had some pretty awesome ideas of your own.  

The last prompt of the day was “I only turn my phone off when…” I'm a little embarrassed to admit I couldn't actually think of a situation during which I turn my phone off. I finally came up with this.

Day Two started with a great prompt but I was too late so we played along on Facebook.

The next prompt I was all over - “The #SixWords Mom Never Told Me.” Although admittedly I was using excellent advice my mom and grandmother HAD in fact told me.

Then, it was “Secret of life _ _ _ ” [add three words].”

The day ended with Judge Tim Gunn asking “Your personal style—in six words?”

The last day of the festival is today and I HIGHLY recommend participating. Here is the schedule if you're interested and I'll try and post some of the prompts on my Facebook as well. 

Of course, if you're not a big prompt person, FEEL FREE to tell me your six word memoir in the comments section. I would LOVE to hear from y' six words or less!
