What Worked for Me in 2014

I LOVE this last little bit of time as the old year ends and the new year is about to begin. I love reflecting on a completed year and planning for an upcoming year. I basically complete every year-end reflection I come across and had just finished this personal audit from Unclutterer when I saw one of my favorites Modern Mrs. Darcy shared her similar reflections on what worked well for her in 2014. 

So, here you go...

What worked for me in 2014?


I've been in therapy since March of this year. Despite facing an incredibly difficult loss (and 10.5 months of pregnancy in 2014!), I'm ending this year feeling happy and hopeful. Facing some difficult emotional truths was hard but it has left me stronger. My word for 2014 was growth - thanks to therapy I fully realized the power of that word. 

Cleansing Creme

Y'all, I'm off shampoo forever. I've got a more detailed post on this coming later. Life. Changing.


I already believed in the power of the present moment but reading this book recently confirmed it. Meditation has been a less than regular part of my daily routine. Since I've made it a must-do every morning (even if it's for only 5 minutes), I've noticed a huge difference. 

Work Apps

I've started using Toggl for tracking my time, TripLog for tracking my mileage, Schedugram for managing multiple Instagram accounts, and Todoist for my to do list/project management. They have all saved me so. much. time.

Prepping for Christmas

Preparation is not celebration. Getting ready for Christmas doesn't rob the season of joy. It gives you the gift of time and peace when you need it the most. I'm gaging interest on how many of y'all would be interested in learning more about Christmas preparation. If you'd be interested in learning more, sign up here

Saying No

I ended several work projects and watched the work I find most fulfilling grow. I also focused on my friendships and relationships that bring me the most joy. I've been trying to live by the recommendation of one of my favorite books this year - "Remember that if you don't prioritize your life someone else will."

What didn't work for me in 2014?


When this baby is born in February, I will have been pregnant for 12 and a half of the last 14 months. Y'all, THAT IS TOO LONG. I want to drink. I want to bend and stretch and go back to yoga and climb up a ladder without worry. I'm incredibly grateful we were able to get pregnant so soon after our loss but WHEW! This is getting old. 


Yeah... I'm not so much doing that right now. See previous item.

Going Paleo

Remember when I ate (mostly) Paleo with such success? Yeah, me neither. Back on the wagon in 2015!

What has (and hasn't) worked for you in 2014? We're having a great discussion on Facebook!