This post originally appeared on Salt + Nectar, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately as I tackle the same decisions with baby #3!
Cloth v. Disposable, Breast v. Formula, Co-sleeping v. Ferberizing...
These are the debates that keep us judging, keep us feeling guilty, keep us up at night.
I remember reading and researching all these issues while I was pregnant with Griffin. I just knew it was imperative that I pick a side. It felt like sorority rush, once I revealed what jersey I had on there was no going back.
If I was going to breastfeed, I was going to breastfeed. Nothing but the breast for the first year as recommended by the World Health Organization! If I was going to use cloth diapers, then I better decide which brand was best and stock up so I'd never be caught without clean diapers.
If I was going to co-sleep, then I pictured my snuggly little baby curled up next to me for the foreseeable future.
Until I realized, I could do both...or neither...or whatever worked best for me that day.